Hello viewers!! As a teenager girl I am very well known about the problems which are faced by mensurate girls like weakness, Cramps, irregular periods etc. Your diet is directly relate to your periods. When a young girl started their mensuration cycle she should be very much focused towards her healthy diet. As a mother, you should teach your girl what to eat or what not…
Today I, Uma Sharma is gonna share with you some healthy diet tips for teenage girl during their periods.
Healthy Diet During Periods

1) Seasonal fruits
During mensuration you should eat seasonal juicy fruits like grapes, apple, orange and coconut water etc. Juicy fruits helps to maintain your vaginal pH level.
2) Home made food
As a mother you always pay attention that your girl must eat only home made food (Less spicy) during periods. Because outside’s food is very spicy, which may create high risk of tummy pain or vomiting etc.
3) Don’t take caffeine
As we all know periods is the time when girls face Mood swings and hardly can control their anger or Mood. Drinking coffee or tea which contain high amount of caffiene may increase the stress level. Girl may face depression also. Caffiene is a poison for mensurate girl, so avoid it.
4) Avoid junk food
Avoid junk or oily food because it can directly effect to your health and can worse your periods. Junk food is a reason for cramps, unconscious and vomit. So do avoid junk food in that time.
5) Eating Almonds
Eating Almonds regularly maintain your hormones balance and helps to get regular periods on time which provide you healthy body and stress free life.
6) Iron is must
Food which contain iron is very necessary for mensurate girl because of monthly bleeding girls are in high risk of Anemia (lack of blood). Anemia is a disease which is caused by less iron food. To fulfil the need of iron you should eat raisins, sugarcane etc.
7) protein and calcium
Protein and calcium contains food such as milk, paneer, curd etc is very essential for mensurate girl, as it’s helps to regulate your periods.
Drinking 6ltr. Water in a day is very good. Water maintain metabolism in body. Water helps the periods to flow regularly without any irregularities. And can decrease thn pain during the time of mensuration.
9) Frequent meal
Take meal 5 times in a day but in small quantity. Avoid meat and eggs. Eating ghee and vegetables is good but rice should be take in small quantity.
10) Don’t take freezy drinks
Drinks like soft drink is very unhealthy for their health. Freezy drink may caused high stomach cramps/pain. Avoid chilled water, always drink warm water, so that It can help in controlling tummy pain.

As In this modern time all teenagers specially girls are fascinated towards the junk food. Which is very harmful for their health. Periods is the time in which girls suffer a lot, every month in every year. So we should take good diet to control the problem caused by periods, as it’s comes regularly.
As a mother you should take care of her diet as it’s plays very important role in her life. As a young girl they aren’t serious about their health and it’s quite common, even I also faced the same. But as the time passes girl becomes mature enough to take proper diet and serious for their health.

If you face any problem or have any query you can directly ask me without any hesitation in comment session or can directly visit my Facebook page:-
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Thank you!!